Dish: Crispy onion.

Piece of Art: From the absence of light comes the fullness of taste: black is art for the palate.


  • YONIRO: YONI, the Sanskrit word for the feminine element and ONIRO, the Greek God of dreams. She is a Creative Director, songwriter and designer, raised in Italy and based in Perth – Western Australia and Milan. Her pieces are not just art but more of a dream experience. You can enter her world that lives behind every label and definition.

  • ABRAXASS: The main idea of his work is to create plots/motifs, sometimes disturbing, the themes are always nature, the body, death, violence and sex, which are very much related. He exaggerates certain details that he loves and creates this dynamic accumulation.

  • ANTONIO GIANCASPROHe is a photographer, bound to that passion since the age of 14. At first he devoted himself to photography in a private way, then in 2011 he participated in his first public exhibition. Just three months later he started working with one of the big names on the Apulian techno scene, opening the way to the world of reportage photography in the underground scene, turning his passion into a job.

  • FEDERICA ZANABONI: Federica, latex designer, stylist, alternative model and performer based in Milan.

  • GIULIA PANAROBorn in Milan in 1997 and graduated from the Accademia Teatro alla Scala as a make-up artist. She loves experimenting with make-up and mixing textures and consistencies in an atypical way using the whole body as a canvas.
